Temporary Works Awareness
Course duration: 1/2 day
Price per delegate: 135 + VAT
Members’ Price:
This is not a CITB course.
Please note that we only run this course on an in-house/bespoke basis. For an in-house rate course quotation, please call the training team on 023 80 894695.
Who is the course designed for?
This HCS Safety half day course is designed to assist those who have responsibility or require an understanding of temporary works. It is designed to a level of awareness and to build confidence for those who engage with contractors.
The course provides essential knowledge for those planning, managing or monitoring a project including Principal Designers and Principal Contractors.
Temporary works are present on almost all sites and the HSE expects this potentially high risk area to be well managed. Enforcement of Temporary Works is high on the target list for the regulator in the light of a number of recent incidents.
The course looks at the importance of communication, co-ordination, co-operation and competency, along with risk management and safety.
What will they get out of it?
- Understand the need for and duties of a Temporary Works Co-ordinator
- Understand the role of others
- An awareness of BS5975 in respect of this role
The course provides a solid overview of the subject – delegates can expect to leave with some confidence in their responsibilities and requirements.
Programme Includes
- What are Temporary Works?
- History: Tragedy, Bragg and the HSE
- Legislation and the Standard BS5975
- Temporary Works Procedure
- Understanding the roles including TW Coordinator and TW Supervisor
- Risk Levels and the Register
- HSE Enforcement Expectations
Price includes course materials, certificate, refreshments throughout and free on-site parking.
Venue Details

How to find us
From M25- exit at J12 (M3), follow M3 South until is splits into M27 East/ West and follow the M27 Westbound until Junction 3. Turn left at the roundabout and join the M271. At the end of the road, take the 1st exit on the roundabout to join the A33 Millbrook Road West. Move into the middle lane and continue over Redbridge Flyover. Once over, move into the inside lane. You will continue through a set of crossroads with traffic lights. After approx. 300 yards you will see a slip road for the Solent Business Centre, directly after the TA. Turn into this road, and carry along, past Sparshatts until you reach a blue building. The car park is through gates on your left at the side of the blue building.