
Navigating SSSTS and SMSTS: Understanding the Key Differences and the Importance of Refresher Courses

The Site Supervisors Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS) and the Site Management Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS) are key to maintaining construction safety standards.  However, while overlapping, they serve different purposes and are aimed at different levels of responsibility.   Let’s explore their differences and why timely refresher training is essential for either course.   SSSTS: The Foundation of Site Supervision  The SSSTS is a two-day course designed for site supervisors. It covers the fundamentals of health and safety in construction, focusing on:  Legal responsibilities…
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Empowering Leaders: How Managers Can Spot and Support Mental Health in the Workplace

In 2023, HSE reported 875,000 cases of work-related stress, depression or anxiety – numbers that remain considerably higher than pre-pandemic levels.    Going above and beyond to support your employees is absolutely fundamental to creating a healthy, happy and productive workplace.  As a manager or supervisor, you’re positioned to create a supportive work environment and proactively identify potential mental health concerns among your team.   Read on to learn how to deliver mental health first aid and ongoing support in your workplace.   Legal…
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Evolving Asbestos Safety: How PPE and Exposure Protocols Have Improved Over Time

The history of asbestos use and its widespread regulation is indicative of how workplace safety evolves over time.   Once hailed as a miracle material for its fire-resistant properties, asbestos has become synonymous with occupational health hazards, from irritable lung conditions to mesothelioma, a devastating form of cancer. Over the decades, our understanding of asbestos risks has grown, hugely improving PPE legislation, exposure protocols and overall asbestos safety measures.  Read on to learn about how asbestos regulation has progressed since its…
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The Impact of Workplace Temperature on Productivity and Health

As summer approaches and the mercury rises, we must be aware of the impacts of temperature on workplaces.   As HSE clarifies, there is no specific legal maximum working temperature, though there is a legal minimum:   16°C for normal work activities  13°C for physically demanding work  Employers still have a legal duty to ensure a safe and healthy working environment in excessive heat.   Failure to take that duty of care seriously about temperature can result in compliance issues, particularly if an…
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Risk assessment

Reflecting on the Grenfell Tower Tragedy: Seven Years On – Legislative Changes and Ongoing Challenges

June 14th, 2024, marks the seventh anniversary of the Grenfell Tower fire, which claimed 72 lives and left an indelible mark on the country.   As we reflect on Grenfell once more, it’s crucial to examine the legislative changes implemented in the aftermath of the tragedy and the ongoing challenges in ensuring fire safety in high-rise buildings.  The Hackitt Review and Resulting Legislation  The Grenfell Tower fire exposed severe inadequacies in fire safety regulations and building materials.   In response, the government…
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What do health and safety consultants do?

Face to face learning – the verdict is in!

We asked a question of our NEBOSH students about Face to Face learning – here’s what they had to say… Our question: “At HCS Safety, we believe strongly in face to face learning. What are your thoughts now you have completed your course? Did you find it useful to interact with other students and share your experiences? Do you think you would have found the course more/less enjoyable if you had studied online or remotely?” Their answers: • I agree,…
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