Accident Investigations

Investigating accidents and near misses in order to prevent recurrences is an essential part of safety management.

In the event of an accident or incident, it is important to establish the immediate causes and contributory factors to see what can be learnt to prevent similar events in the future. Accident causation is rarely as simple as it may first appear, and an independent view is essential, particularly if there are many parties involved.

If an accident occurs, it is important that the scene is left alone and that you call us as soon as you can to arrange for us to investigate. Following a site visit to carry out interviews with witnesses and injured parties (as appropriate), an independent report with recommendations will be issued.

Investigation of RIDDOR Reportable accidents is included within our Membership Service when the injured party is an employee of our Membership Service client.

What if I need to report an accident to the HSE?

Don’t worry, we can help with that too, guiding you through the process and ensuring that any reportable accident is dealt with in the most efficient manner possible.

If you are unsure if an accident is reportable to the HSE, please call us FREE on 023 80 894695 and we can advise you. Alternatively, you can go directly to the HSE’s website.

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