
Essential Health & Safety Work at Height Training Courses

Working at height is one of the biggest causes of fatalities and injuries in the workplace. To protect workers, employers must ensure staff are suitably trained to work at height by undertaking approved health and safety training.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) sets out everything you need to know about work at height responsibilities – including the importance of adequate training for your staff. If an accident happens in your workplace and you can’t prove you’ve taken measures to prevent it, your company – and in some cases, individuals – could be liable for breaching health and safety regulations.
Sending your staff on reputable training courses is the best way to protect them (and your business) when they are working at height.

Here are essential health and safety training courses to ensure your team is working at height safely.

Working at Height Awareness

This half-day course is designed for anyone working, supervising or managing work at height. It provides essential information about managing and carrying out work at height, including how to select appropriate access equipment, recognise risks and dangers, and identify rescue requirements.

During the Working at Height Awareness course, delegates will analyse real-life case studies (of good and bad practices) and investigate risk perceptions when working at height. A short multiple-choice test will take place at the end of the training to evaluate learning.

Find out more about the Working at Height Awareness course here.

Harness for Users

This essential course is designed for anyone who uses safety harnesses as part of their work, whether occasionally or daily, and anyone who manages or supervises work with harnesses.
The syllabus covers the legal responsibilities of harness users and provides in-depth training on how to use the equipment, how to select the right harness and how to conduct a pre-use inspection. A short written test is required at the end of the half-day course to approve delegates for harness use in the workplace.

Find out more about the Harness for Users course here.

PASMA: Towers for Users

Aimed at anyone needing to erect a tower or manage and supervise their use, the PASMA: Towers for Users one-day course includes both theoretical and practical training to aid learning. During the course, candidates will learn how to erect a tower, how to inspect a tower after construction, and the capabilities and limitations of the equipment.
A practical course, attendees must wear suitable outdoor clothing, safety boots, a hard hat and physical protective gloves are recommended. To pass the course, a short test must be completed by attendees.

Find out more about the PASMA: Towers for Users course here.

PASMA: Low Level Access

Anyone working with low-level access equipment (below 2.5m) should take a half-day PASMA: Low Level Access course. The course covers working with prefabricated tower components, including folding step units and tower units. In this course, candidates learn the regulations, safe use and product standards for low level access.
The syllabus also covers best practices, potential hazards, how to avoid hazards and how to inspect low-level access units. To gain a certificate, delegates must pass both a practical and theory test which confirms their learning.

Find out more about the PASMA: Low Level Access course here.

PASMA: Combined Low Level Access and Towers for Users

This one-day course is designed for anyone who works with low level access units and standard mobile access towers. The Combined Low Level Access and Towers for Users course covers all modules found in the one-day PASMA: Towers for Users and half-day PASMA: Low Level Access course.
To pass the course and begin work, delegates must complete a practical assessment and pass a multiple-choice exam.

Find out more about the PASMA: Combined Low Level Access and Towers for Users here.

Scaffold Inspection TG20:21

A two-day course designed for anyone who performs statutory inspections of working platforms, those managing scaffolding works on site and those providing shared access for various trades.
The course covers the Work at Height Regulations 2005, including the technical requirements of BSEN 12811-1, and shows delegates how to inspect basic scaffolds. It also covers scaffolding competency and safe erection techniques.

To pass the Scaffold Inspection TG20:21 course, candidates must complete a practical and theory test. Suitable clothing, safety boots and a hard hat must be worn for the practical exam.

Find out more about the Scaffold Inspection TG20:21 course here.

Which work at height course should you do?

Need to train your workforce to safely work at height? Get in touch with our team today to discuss your requirements.