
Face to face learning – the verdict is in!

We asked a question of our NEBOSH students about Face to Face learning – here’s what they had to say…

Our question:

“At HCS Safety, we believe strongly in face to face learning. What are your thoughts now you have completed your course? Did you find it useful to interact with other students and share your experiences? Do you think you would have found the course more/less enjoyable if you had studied online or remotely?”

Their answers:

• I agree, face to face training is a better learning opportunity than just online. You get to meet other delegates and share experiences and information. My group keep in touch in a WhatsApp group.

• I definitely prefer to attend the course in person and interact with the rest of the group and tutors. Having sat online courses previously, they can be pretty dull with the lack of interaction.

• I particularly chose HCS because of the face to face learning, I would not have been able to take in the required amount of information had this been delivered remotely or online.

• I prefer this method of learning. Face to face all the way.

• It’s always better to hear from other people as it gives extra understanding to areas that I’m not familiar with and makes the subject more real.

• Easy environment to learn in, much preferred being in a classroom with face to face teaching. Interactions were useful from other students, given the range of different industries they represented. Would not have enjoyed at all studying online.

• Yes, much better face to face for me!

• I strongly believe in face to face learning too. The group experience is crucial to exploring this subject matter and the conversations that arise are so useful in developing further understanding, knowledge and generating ideas. Personally I would not contemplate doing this outside of a classroom as it would feel very isolated and I would not have enjoyed it. The course was worth every penny in my opinion and I would not hesitate to recommend it to others.

• I considered taking an online course and studying at home however Face to Face was the right decision. It allowed open conversation where everyone bounced off each others’ ideas. It also meant questions were asked that I may not have thought to ask and would have potentially missed out on some extra learning.

• I think face-to-face was really important to interact with others, tutors and share knowledge.

• Absolutely agree, the course content is vast and having that concentrated time away from the workplace is required. I personally wouldn’t of enjoyed or been as engaged if studied remotely.

• Face to face learning was excellent, tried NEBOSH general as an online course before and didn’t take half as much away as discussions with HCS tutors and fellow learners.

Book now for our NEBOSH National Diploma starting 29th August course or our NEBOSH General Certificate starting 15th October.