Safety Management Courses

Safety management courses are critical for improving workplace safety, reducing risks, and ensuring regulatory compliance across various industries, making them essential for businesses committed to protecting their employees and assets.

There are several Safety management courses available, each of which focuses on a specific area of safety.

Risk Assessment

1 day course

Essential for those who are asked to write or update risk assessments.

Also required for those who need to check on whether safe systems of work and risk assessments provided by others are suitable.

For any employer, manager, or supervisor who is involved in working on or looking after the documentation associated with safety.

The day will be interactive, interesting, and engaging. It will involve workshop-based activities to ensure delegates feel comfortable with the concepts and practice of risk management.

Course Content:

  • Legal Requirements of a Risk Assessment
  • Understanding hazard and risk
  • Understanding likelihood and severity
  • Methods of reducing risk
  • The hierarchy of controls
  • Recording and communicating
  • Reviewing and Updating

Throughout the course, we will work through the process of risk assessment, which needs to be achieved successfully and to a high standard.

Update this course after 3 years.

Health & Safety Culture and Leadership

1 day course

Essential for those with influence over others – Directors, Managers, and those with ambitions.

Safety culture is a combination of the attitudes, values, and perceptions that influence how something is actually done in the workplace, rather than how it should be done.

We will look at how to achieve a positive culture in your organisation.

The right leadership is essential in achieving a positive culture, so we will investigate different leadership styles and how they are best used.

There will also be a focus on why company values are so important and how to make them a reality.

An engaging and interactive day for all is guaranteed!

Course Content:

  • What is Safety Culture?
  • The 4 C’s and how to implement them
  • How failures in culture cause damage
  • Leadership and its shadow
  • Styles of Leadership and why they matter
  • Company Values and why they matter
  • Implementing your values into your business


Each delegate will be asked to set 3 SMART goals to implement in their organisation that will assist in improving its safety culture.

Incident Investigation

NEBOSH Accredited

The NEBOSH/HSE Introduction to Incident Investigation course is for anyone who wants to carry out incident investigations effectively.

Attending the course will enable you to:

  • Independently investigate simple incidents
  • Gather evidence including witness interviews
  • Produce an action plan to prevent a recurrence
  • Improve the safety culture in your organisation

Company benefits include:

  • Drives down repeat incidents – learn lessons so it doesn’t happen again
  • Confidence that your organisation’s approach to investigations is robust
  • Improved safety culture by encouraging a proactive approach to incident investigation
  • Build in-company expertise
  • An approach to incident investigations that reflects best practice

Course Content:

  • Moral, legal and financial arguments for investigations
  • Human and organisational factors that can contribute to an incident
  • The process for investigating incidents
  • Positive interview strategies and the barriers to successful interviews
  • Creating action plans to prevent recurrences

Practical Assessment:

You will be provided with a pack of evidence and shown a video of three witness interviews. You will be asked to review the evidence, evaluate each interview, and produce an action plan that will help prevent a recurrence of an incident.

Understanding CDM

1 day course

This course is for everyone involved in construction projects including Clients (and Domestic Clients), Principal Designers, Designers, Principal Contractors, and Contractors.

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) are significant and far-reaching for all concerned with building, refurbishment, and maintenance work, so a solid understanding is of vital importance to ensure the success and legal compliance of your project.

This interactive course is presented in a workshop style, utilising exercises and class participation to ensure that delegates leave feeling fully informed and with a good level of understanding.

Course Content:

  • The purpose, origins, and structure of the Regulations
  • Duties of the duty holders including the Client, Designers and Principal Designer, Principal Contractors and Contractors
  • The principles of risk prevention in design and management
  • General duties for competence, cooperation and consultation
  • Requirements for notification of projects to HSE
  • Documentation requirements under the Regulations
  • Relationship with the Building Safety Act


Delegates will undertake group exercises and will also sit a multiple-choice test at the end of the day.


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